Here’s a sampling of the work I’ve done or continue to do, with endorsements from two of my clients.
Copyedit various projects from Blue Trust and Capital Group, through Purcell Communications. Copyedit and/or ensure the accuracy of American Century Investments, Franklin Templeton, and Parnassus Investments mutual fund commentaries, through Purcell.
Bill is meticulous, efficient, and hard-working. I appreciate that he can work with multiple data sources, as well as assimilate different clients’ processes and styles, to deliver a well-edited and -fact-checked commentary. Bill is able to work independently, even when projects or processes are confusing, but he’s also able to collaborate with a team effectively.
—Jessica Hoak, Review Team Lead, Purcell Communications
Copyedit research notes for Argus Research.
Edited stories for RIA Intel.
Copyedited and proofread Benchmark Education, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, and McGraw Hill Education elementary school teacher’s guides for language arts instruction, through KnowledgeWorks Global.
Updated, rewrote, and search-engine-optimized existing articles at Dotdash’s The Balance and The Spruce verticals, through Workforce Logiq. Evaluated the quality of content at Verywell, Dotdash’s health vertical.
Wrote label copy for jams produced by Virginia Jane’s Homestead Goods.
Fact-checked Social Value Investing: A Management Framework for Effective Partnerships, which was written by Howard W. Buffett and William B. Eimicke and published by Columbia University Press.
Your assistance with our project was remarkably important and helpful. I want to again express my deepest appreciation for the many hours that you dedicated to it. I hope we have the opportunity to work together again sometime in the future.
—Howard Buffett, Professor and Author of Social Value Investing